
Thursday, June 4, 2009

In wich it is raining and I explain where I've been...

Hello everyone!! I have been busy reading Suzanne Brockman's Troubleshooters series. There are something like fifteen books in this series so it's taken me a while but finish them I did!!
They are centered around SEAL team sixteen, the most elite team of SEALs, and other counter terrorist units in other branches of the military. They are full of excitement and suspense and also confront some interesting issues. The most prominent is the acceptance of homosexuals in any branch of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies and the "don't ask, don't tell" "policy" that abounds in the military. These are causes that ave very near to Ms. Brockman's heart because her son is gay. I would definately reccomend these books to any romance fan, but also if you find the military interesting.