
Friday, May 8, 2009

I'M BACK!!!!!

Oh my bloggers! How I have missed you! The school year is finally over, the tests are taken, papers turned in and I can blog to my hearts content!

We have a lot to cover because, though I haven’t been able to get to the blogs to chronicle my reading and other adventures doesn’t mean they haven’t been happening!

First I would like to discuss Christine Freehan. She is the author of several series such as The Ghostwalkers, and The Drake Sisters. The series I was reading was about the Carpathians. They are what some may call “good” vampires. They suck blood and can’t go out in the sunlight but they are not evil. The males of the Carpathian race can’t see in color or feel emotion after two hundred years or so, and they will not gain back either without finding their lifemate. Feehan’s vampires are Carpathians that have not found their lifemate and refuse to walk into the sun choosing to be consumed by their naturally dark nature.
I read several of the books in this series (which incidentally, can be read out of order) and I have to say that I was extremely frustrated by most of them. All of them feature Carpathian men, but, of the ones I read, only one featured Carpathian women, and they were all extremely resistant to becoming the lifemate to their destined mate. Yes, the men are overbearing and have very set ideas about what their women should do; but they are devoted to the women from the very first second they lay eyes on them. Only after several tense (not sexually) encounters do the women accept what they are.
It was all very frustrating and I found myself yelling at the books quite a lot.

I have also developed a fondness for Manga. I’m reading three series right now, Demon Flowers, Vampire Knight, and Deathnote. I would describe the plots of each of the manga here but each plot is really complex and has so many layers that it would take all day long!

Then, of course, the thing I have been waiting months for…. Lover Avenged!!!!
I haven’t read the book or bought it yet, just because I know that it will consume my life once I buy it. Also, my family is going to Tybee in June!!! So I might read it there!!

That pretty much brings us up to speed! Be ready to hear lots from me as the summer continues!!

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