
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So... to prepare you, a little something about me.

1) my favorite color is purple
2) i hang out with all of the gay people at school
3) i prefer my zune to my sis's ipod
4) it pisses me off that everything is made for ipod
5) i'm a gay man stuck in a woman's body ;P
6) i like twilight... don't judge me.
7) i don't have any one kind of music i listen to.
8) i love art
9) my favorite artist is Rodin (you know... the thinker)
10) i like british tv over american tv
11) i am addicted to amazon
12) i love dove chocolate
13) i must have coffee in the morning, otherwise intense insanity ensues.
14) i suck at spelling
15) i wasn't known as Allie by most people untill my freshman year of college
16) my sister is my best friend
17) she is always in my brain... it's freaky
18) i want to live in a little cottage in england
19) i believe in true love
20) i am addicted to cheesy fantasy romance novels (anita blake, sherilyn kenyon... it's escapism don't judge)
21) i hate government but see the nessecessity of it
22) i would rather wear dark nail polish than have my nails bare
23) i love mexican food
24) i hate sponge bob and most cartoons for this generation
25)i love disney movies even though they are idealistic
26) I like nighttime better than daytime, but strangely i like sunrises
27) I hate when we're on vacation and my family wants to wake up at 6 in the morning and nothing opens untill 10.
28) 8th grade was the worst school year for me.
29) I spent 2 years of my life obsessed with CATS the musical
30) My first live concert was the Brad Paisley Hershey tour
31) I hate it when people don't use their turn signals
32) Hate me, condemn me, never speak to me again, but I'm not a fan of Catcher in the Rye
33) I hate the noise a vacuum makes
34) I have this strange fear of huge gnarled trees, yet I find them strangely beautiful
35) I would love to be able to take random college courses
36) I want to travel the world
37) I think it would be huge amounts of fun to take a road trip around the U.S.
38) I have really bad luck with NOT spilling things in my car
39) My first CD was Romanza by Andrea Boccelli
40) I love action movies
41) I'll eat fresh fruit before chocolate
42) I have four cats
43) When I have my own house I want a really big guard dog and a really little lap dog and a cat to boss us all around.
44) I want to be a journalist
45) I am a bundle of contradictions
46) My current favorite things are anything skull and crossbones
47) When I'm in my car, or on the computer, or in my room, I must have music playing. I really hate silence.
48) While in Middle School and most of High school, I was certain I would have some kind of performance career.
49) I love to sleep but wish it didn't take up so much of my time.
50) I would rather live in a house than an apartment. It can be a small house, I just like the idea of space surrounding me and not having to deal with the noise of people living in close quarters all around me.

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