
Sunday, December 6, 2009

That's the thing about an English Major

Finals are upon us, 2009 is drawing to a close and I had a moment today where I realized that it will still be another two years before I graduate. I realized that after christmas I will have to make all of the leftover x-mas stock somehow fit onto two small risers. Then I will have to deal with people complaining about the price and wondering why it isn't 90% off here when it is down the street.
Then after that lovely revelation, I had another. I'm not sure what I want to do when I graduate. I know I have two years to figure it out, and it's not like I haven't a clue what I would be interested in, I do. But it is so hard to narrow the list. I want to work for the Navy, or work in publishing, or work for the Library of Congress, and at this point I would rather be a realtor that stay at CVS.
The other downside to all of these finals is my lack of reading time. All of the studying also seems to be destroying my reading mojo. I've only been able to get into a couple of small romances, none of the sci-fi epics that are stacked on my bookshelf. Hopefully, once finals are over, my reading mojo will magically reappear and the next time I disapear for months will be because I have been reading the dusty "new" books on my shelves.

"Time's glory is to command contending kings, to inmask falsehood, and bring truth to light."

- Shakespeare

Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny) - A.R. Rahman

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